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Xliff Editor 2 1 – Xcode Localization Made Easy Using

You can easily edit XLIFF files online with POEditor. The supported XLIFF file formats are:

This document defines version 2.1 of the XML Localization Interchange File Format (XLIFF). The purpose of this vocabulary is to store localizable data and carry it from one step of the localization process to the other, while allowing interoperability between and among tools. This very Beta tool processes XML files to XLIFF 2.0, and back. As today 28Oct2013, XLIFF 2.0 is not yet an OASIS Specification. It just completed its second public review. Note: This tool and the XLIFF 2.0 specification are very likely to change. There are two versions: the command line version, clxrt4x2V01.jar; and the Graphical User. Xliff Editor – its fast to load, easy to use, and has a low memory footprint. Did we forget to mention Inline tag protection, Fuzzy search, intuitive shortcuts, multiple concurrent file editing and native spell checker. It also has some pretty nice customizations you can use to better suit your workflow.

To get started, you need to be registered to POEditor (it takes just a few seconds to open a free account) and to follow the steps below.

  1. Add a new project in your Dashboard.

  2. Add a language to the project and then import your strings from the XLIFF file, using the Import functionality in the project page.

    Choose in the import options to 'Also import translations in.' the language you've just added, making sure to check the box to get translations from <source> instead of <target> Prefedit 4 3 15. tag.

    This language will automatically be suggested as your project's Default Reference Language after you import the translations. You can change the DRL in the project's Settings.

    If you have translations in the <target> Noise machine 1 12 download free. tag also and want to add them to the project, create a new language and import them there.

  3. Add more languages to the project and manage their translation, with the optional help of contributors.

  4. When you're done with the XLIFF language edit, use the Export button in any translation page to download a localized XLIFF file.

Note: Creating a first project launches a Free Trial, which increases the account's limit from 1000 strings to 30 000. When the trial period is over, the free account can still be used up to 1000 strings.

Short note: This article covers iOS SDK 8.1 developed in Xcode 6.1. Other versions should work fine, too. Sketchup pro 2017 17 1 173.

Xliff editor 2 1 – xcode localization made easy using baking soda

Your Basic Setup

Localization in Xcode can be done easily with the Strings format. Before we dig any deeper you should check out the documentation on iOS with Phrase setup. With the XLIFF format you now have the possibility to group your .strings files into larger XLIFF language files. For example, all your .strings for English will be put into a singleen.xliff file. No more cluttered .strings files in your project!

Sample XLIFF file:

Xliff Editor 2 1 – Xcode Localization Made Easy Using Bernat


The localization workflow itself is different to the usual Strings workflow:

Export your localization files by clicking on your project. Then Editor > Export For Localization. Within this folder all your translations reside as a .xliff file. Amoyshare anymusic 5 0. It is best to upload and download your files to and from Phrase from this folder. Import your localization files by clicking on your project. Then Editor > Import Localizations. Let’s say you exported your files from the Xcode project and uploaded some translations to Phrase. If you have new translations download them to your translation export folder. Then just import the translations back into your application by using Xcode’s import feature.

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Check out the guide


Unfortunately XLIFF does not support pluralization. For that reason Xcode uses the Stringsdict format. If you want to pluralize your app you will need to work with the two formats simultaneously. You can still work with XLIFF as suggested before.

Additionally you will need to set up Phrase for the .stringsdict files as well.

Xliff Editor 2 1 – Xcode Localization Made Easy Using

Uploading Your Translations To Phrase

Uploading your files to Phrase leaves you open with two options. The first one is via the translation center:

The second one is for your developers by using the command-line client.

If you want to upload a specific XLIFF file for example English (en) simply type

Imovie not working on mac. Anytrans 5 3 0 download free. If you would like to download your translations for English simply type

Next Steps

Xliff Editor 2 1 – Xcode Localization Made Easy Using Baking Soda

With a working Phrase setup your application is good to go. You can start the translation process by managing your keys in the translation center, ordering translations or by collaborating with your translators and developers.

Further Reading

Xliff Editor 2 1 – Xcode Localization Made Easy Using Canned

  • Photo by Kārlis Dambrāns (CC)*

Xliff Editor 2 1 – Xcode Localization Made Easy Using
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